Sunday, August 3, 2014

My Thoughts: Situationship Chronicles

Alright, alright I have been away for quite a bit of time but not years. I had to take a huge test so much of time was devoted to that. Anywho, I passed it and now it is time to talk about some things that have been on my mind as of late.


The sad state of the dating game is a topic that is a very frequent and important one among some single women who are in their late 20's /early 30's. Some are ready to settle down,get married and have a few kids. However, most may find themselves settling with less than stellar mates to join the wives club. There was a comment that one of my acquaintances on Facebook made that inspired this blog it went something along the lines of "men of this generation suck no job,home,car,no ambition, whole bunch of kids and don't believes in dating". Now ever since I have broken up with my sons father, I have been involved in 3 situationships. Partially because I was not ready to get back into the dating game (all men were someone that I was involved with before). Now that I am ready to start dating, I find that I am giving people a chance and if they don't want to further things then ----> . I also find that once certain activities have been done, its hard to go back and do things the right way; and  to expect someone who didn't have to do much to get much to do more aint gonna help matters any. It is best to let all old situations go and start fresh.

I find this song from Jill Scott to be a great one for the stage that I have come to in my life. I have been involved with men who tell me lots of things such as they want to marry me, father my current and future children,and how much I mean to them, but you cant play a playa (yes I said that old saying). If you are showing me one hand and hiding the other, then I have no choice to go by what I see.I feel like some men only make statements like those to see how much they can get out of you. Saying crap like that to me wont get you very far. I cant speak for the men,maybe they want to play around a bit before settling down or maybe they are saying what they think I want to hear to try to string me along until they find someone who they deem to be "better" (HA). But once I want something and you aint giving it to me, I am moving on and you aint getting a third chance. I know things can get lonely especially seeing everyone getting happily married, but if you have patience GOD will bring your mate when it is time and not a moment before. I feel like once I am ready to let the past go and enjoy my days of being single He will come. The problem lies with being on social media the majority of the time and not enjoying yourself out in the world and meeting new people. Trust me ladies there are more single women who feel the same way you do. And when you go out, don't look for someone to be with let him come to you. Besides I know tons of unhappily married people, marriage is tough and marrying someone when they aren't ready or someone who is not right for you can lead to an unhappy life. Well drop your comments below and see ya in the next post.

Friday, June 6, 2014

I'M BACK!!!!!!!

OMG Guys longggg time no write!!!!! I know overuse of exclamation points but I do miss blogging and vlogging. I have sooo much to write and so little time. Well between my new/old job, my beautiful baby boy and transitioning into a new career I have not had any time to check for you guys.

First off lets talk about my new/old job. I got a job working as a police dispatcher for a local police department and lets just say that soooo did not go well. I was sick all of the time (and I am a fairly healthy person), the amount of stress that I endured on a day to day basis, not to mention the workplace bullying that I was putting up with just to take home a less than stellar paycheck thanks to the many deductions that were taken out of my check every two weeks (not just the regular uncle Sam deductions either). OOOh weee by the time my 28th birthday rolled around I new that I could not give that place not another moment of my life especially since was not doing much to prepare me for where I wanted to be in life. But more on this on a later date where I will try to make a post about following your dreams for the moment.

Oooh wee my little bun is next, who is really not so little might I add. He takes up the majority of my day and when he is sleeping I am studying taking, taking classes or just plain ole curled up with a book to unwind (I so do not get to do this enough). He is not currently in school as of yet and I am really not in a rush. He is learning all he needs to know at home with me and I am not against home schooling, however since he is an only child (and I am really trying to rustle up some old friends with kids in his age range for  play date) he is yearning for that interaction with kids his own age. All we have left is the potty training which if I buckled down a little more could done (we are currently on the yellow page more about this soon).

Last but certainly not least the new career. This has come to me 3 times in a 10 year period to do and since I am a firm believer in God and how he sends us messages that come in 3's, I decided to listen this time and follow through instead of chickening out ( I had a wonderful talk with a special friend about fear) so I signed up for one test and I am making moves to open up more permanent career options in that field.

Well that is all for now I will come back soon with more adventures of a summer stay at home mom. TOODLES!!!!!